Enter Your Idea for the Next Rayonier Forestry T-shirt

3 Shirts

Each year, Rayonier unveils three new forestry-themed t-shirts at the Society of American Foresters Convention. Lines of students show up at our booth to get a free shirt, because these aren’t just any shirts. They’re designed to represent forestry students’ passion for our industry, with creative text and images that will make you proud.

So join in the fun and tell us: How would YOU represent forestry on a t-shirt?

Rayonier will collect ideas now through July 12. We’ll work with our designer to incorporate your best ideas into t-shirt designs, and then you’ll have a chance to vote for your favorites August 1-8. If your idea wins, we’ll meet you at the SAF Convention with your idea on a t-shirt and a Rayonier Swag Pack valued at $200. 

JULY 12: Deadline to submit your idea.
AUGUST 1-8: Vote for your favorite design!
SEPTEMBER 17-20: Winning designs revealed at the SAF Convention.

So how would you represent forestry on a t-shirt? Use this form to share your ideas and you could be a winner!

See full Contest Rules here

Rayonier intern Aaron Garcia, a forest engineering major at Oregon State University, inspired us with his design for a t-shirt last year. Here he is checking out his winning design for the first time at the 2023 SAF Convention!



The theme “The Resources We Manage” references all the considerations that forestry and natural resources professionals need to reflect on when planning and implementing decisions on the ground. 

Join us in Loveland, CO, September 17-20, 2024, to learn from your peers, grow your network within and beyond the sector, and develop as a forestry professional.


About Rayonier

Rayonier is a leading land resources company that grows renewable forest products through sustainable forest management, creates inspirational places through its real estate businesses, and provides land-based solutions that support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Our Land Base

Rayonier foresters take great care in managing our timberlands while being good stewards of the environment. Our portfolio includes acreage in the U.S. South, U.S. Pacific Northwest and New Zealand.

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