Acres Of Opportunity
Rayonier is built upon our ability to grow and manage a healthy, abundant renewable resource: trees. We maximize yields on our more than 2.5 million acres of timberland thanks to our advanced silviculture practices, research, industry-leading tree genetics and the passion of our people deploying market driven precision silviculture.
Did you know?
Wood Makes it Possible
Did you know wood is in thousands of products we use every day? It's in the obvious places, like the frames of our houses, but it's also where you would least expect it, like tires in our cars and bicycles; LCD screens; and bath products like shampoo and toothpaste. Imagine how many conveniences wood makes possible in your life!
At every stage in the lifecycles of our trees, we take careful measures to ensure the sustainability of our forests and the wildlife, soils and water within them.